What to Do When You’re Hurt at Work

You’ve been hurt at work.

It’s a scary situation and you may not know what to do next.

The first thing you should always do is get medical attention. Your health is the most important thing to address.

After receiving medical care, you may ask yourself, “what do I do now?”

The worker’s compensation process is confusing and daunting. Knowing where to turn or who is on your side is difficult.

Let’s walk through the South Carolina workers’ compensation process and what you should do if you’re hurt on the job.


Report the Injury to Your Employer

Again, we want to reiterate the importance of receiving medical treatment immediately if your injury is an emergency.

The next step is notifying someone in management (like your supervisor or manager) about your workplace injury. This starts the process of filing a workers’ compensation claim.

According to the South Carolina Workers’ Compensation Commission, workplace injuries must be reported within 90 days of the incident, or you may not qualify for benefits.

Your employer is responsible for filing a claim with the South Carolina Workers’ Compensation Commission, but an injured worker must also file a claim within two years of the accident.


Getting Medical Care You Need

In South Carolina, your employer has the right to choose your medical provider for workplace injury treatment. However, if you elect to see another professional, you could be paying out of pocket for the costs.

After you’ve been injured, ask your employer for their preferred physician.

When you go to your appointment, describe the incident and all injuries in full detail to the doctor.

Give them as much information as possible. The South Carolina Worker’s Compensation commission states this is vital in the event you need to request a hearing if you don’t agree with your medical assessment or care.

The physician will determine if your injuries are work-related, recommend treatment, and may write a note for time off from work.

If your injury is a compensable, work-related incident, workers’ compensation insurance will pay for all costs associated with your care.

But sometimes, things don’t go as planned.

Your employer may not file the proper paperwork.

Or their medical provider can say the injury is not work-related.

In such situations, you must request a hearing with the South Carolina Workers’ Compensation Commission.


And you’ll want a team with you to ensure you receive the benefits you deserve and need. Our attorneys are workers’ compensation experts and can help navigate the process.

Don’t navigate a workplace injury alone. Tell us about your case and we’ll be in touch with how we can help you.

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