Manufacturing Accidents

Manufacturing plants and centers can provide their share of dangers to workers. While employees always need to be mindful of their surroundings, there is also a need for employers to provide a safe work environment. The work site should be properly maintained and supervised. Should an accident occur, the company may be liable. That is when it is time to call LEIP Law as we can provide you with an experienced manufacturing attorney in Columbia, SC and the neighboring communties.
Typical Causes of Manufacturing Accidents
Getting hurt in a manufacturing accident does not usually happen randomly. There is typically an underlying reason for the accident. And when the fault lies with someone other than the victim, there is a case for compensation. Here is a look at some of the common causes of manufacturing accidents:
- Inadequate protection from machinery
- Improper lighting
- Failure to abide with safety regulations
- Poor safety devices
- Cluttered workspace
- Inappropriate behavior
- Lack of training

There are several other causes that can lead to a manufacturing accident. There is actually a long list of injuries that can lead workers to be eligible for a workers compensation claim in South Carolina. A manufacturing accident can lead to various injuries and depending upon the situation, some of those injuries can be very severe. One of the most distressing parts about this type of injury is that it can limit your ability to work. That means lost wages and the inability to provide for your family. A manufacturing accident attorney at LEIP Law can walk you through the details and be by your side every step of the way
Workers Compensation Benefits And Eligibility
In the state of South Carolina, workers compensation laws cover employees who have been injured on the job. That allows workers to be reimbursed for medical expenses, receive compensation for lost time, in addition to receiving permanent disability benefits when it applies. When an accident happens, it is important for manufacturing workers to ensure they get as much compensation as they possibly can.
Navigating through that process without a Columbia, SC manufacturing attorney automatically gives employers a distinct advantage. At LEIP Law, we will not let our clients be taken advantage of by employers who are responsible for their manufacturing accident. We will inform you of all your rights and take care of the necessary paperwork. It is our goal to make this trying process easier on you.
Benefits And Eligibility