Trustworthy Back Injury Case Lawyer in Columbia, SC

A spinal cord injury can severely change someone’s life. It can also take away people’s ability to take care of themselves. Moving forward, daily living expenses could see a dramatic increase and that’s why it’s important to be compensated for your spinal cord injury. At LEIP Law a spinal cord injury attorney can help you through this difficult time by getting you compensation from the responsible party that caused your spinal cord injury.
The most obvious impact of a spinal cord injury is paralysis. That can be defined as full or partial paralysis, depending on the specifics of a spinal cord injury. But there are other ways people can be impacted by a spinal cord injury and they are as follows:
- Loss of bladder control
- Loss of sexual functionality
- Infertility
- Numbness and stinging
- Labored breathing

Finding Fault
At LEIP Law, we investigate the circumstances surrounding a spinal cord injury. That is done to determine culpability and identifying the party or parties responsible for your spinal cord injury. That could apply to a plethora of situations, people and organizations. Here is a closer look at some of the parties that could be responsible for inflicting a spinal cord injury:
- Negligent driver – Car accidents are a primary cause of spinal cord injuries in the United States.
- Violent criminal – Gunshot wounds and assaults often lead to spinal cord injuries.
- Doctor – Medical professionals may fail to diagnose a spinal cord infection.
- EMT – A failure to secure someone properly after an injury could worsen the situation.
- Manufacturer – A faulty product could be responsible for the cause of a spinal cord injury.
Expected Compensation For An Injury
Those who suffer a spinal cord injury typically see their lives permanently changed. Medical care can become an everyday occurrence as it is often a necessity for survival. When calculating compensation, there is a need to consider years, or even a lifetime, of medical costs. It is not an injury that is healed with a few months of therapy.
Compensation should also consider the impact of this injury beyond the mere cost of medical care. Both physical and emotional recovery is going to take a lot of time. There could be a lot of mental anguish as many lives are permanently changed. LEIP Law accounts for everything involved and is ready to be your Columbia, SC spinal cord attorney.
Classifications of Spinal Cord Injuries
There are different types of spinal cord injuries and they different in severity. As a general rule, the higher on the spine the injury, the more severe the effects tend to be. It should be noted that a spinal cord is divided up into a few distinct areas and they are as follows:
- High Cervical Nerves – This is classified as C1 through C4 and is comprised of the vertebrae nearest to the brain. Any damage to these vertebrae poses serious consequences. This could mean severe limitations moving forward.
- Low Cervical Nerves – This is the next set of vertebrae, also described as C5 through C8. An injury to any one of these means similar effects to that of the high cervical nerves. It typically leads to life-changing effects.
- Thoracic Vertebrae – This is the middle area of the spinal cord and is labeled as T1 through T12. The spine in this area is responsible for controlling stability which makes it possible to stand up. It also provides support to the organs that are located in a person’s upper torso. Any damage to this part of the spine also leads to a change in lifestyle, although it does not mean total mobility loss.
- Lumbar Nerves – This part of the spine does not come with a life change when it is compromised. This part is also known as L1 through L5. Injuries to any of these vertebrae induce difficulty when it comes to twisting, lifting and turning.
- Sacral Nerves – This is the lowest area of the spinal cord and is defined as S1 through S5. Injury to this area comes with side effects that are considered serious, although it will not cause paralysis.
Treatment for injuries
Treating a spinal cord injury is not a cheap endeavor. The costs can quickly mount, which makes it imperative to retrieve all possible compensation. Here is a closer look at why spinal cord injuries can be costly.
- Medications – These aim to bring down swelling and the most commonly used medication is Corticosteroids. These should start to be taken as soon as possible as fast response time is key in treating spinal cord injuries.
- Surgeries – Most surgical procedures aim to remove any tissue or fluid that is applying pressure to the spinal cord.
- Bedrest – Patients are often ordered to bedrest to allow their spine time to heal. Spines are responsible for holding up most of a person’s body weight so the only way to truly rest it is to remain in bed.
- Traction – This method is often a way of immobilizing the spine. Metal braces may be attached to the head to keep in place and prevent any movement.
Another popular means of treating spinal cord injuries is physical therapy. This is typically conducted on a rather extensive scale and often classified as occupational therapy. Physical therapy continues after the area is treated and once no new damage can be inflicted on the area. Even when spinal cord injuries lead to permanent disability, physical therapy and rehabilitation efforts continue. The goal is always to return the health of a person to how it was prior to the spinal cord injury, although in some instances that is just not possible.
Attorney assistance with spinal cord injuries
Having an attorney who specializes in spinal cord injuries can be an immense help to victims. There is so much involved that victims need someone they can count on to help them through what is an arduous endeavor. Victims face a grueling and uphill physical battle, which makes it opportune to have an attorney handling the legal battles that come with this kind of injury. Victims should not have to worry about the legal implications of their circumstance and that is where LEIP Law can be of great assistance.
- Decrease in life enjoyment
- Lost wages and income
- Medical costs for future
- Remodel of home to meet new needs
- Pain and suffering
- Consortium loss to spouse
- Everyday living assistance
The time that follows a spinal cord injury can be very difficult and even tragic. Dealing with a new reality takes a toll on victims and their loved ones. This may require counseling just to make it through on a weekly basis. Lives are completely turned upside down and it takes a lot to deal with these situations. LEIP Law is here help you receive the compensation you need to embark on what can be a very challenging ordeal.
Spinal cord injury impacts
There is such a powerful physical toll that results from a spinal cord injury that lives are completely altered the moment the injury occurs. The term completeness is often used when dealing with a spinal cord injury as it will help define the severity. Spinal cord injuries may cause any of the following symptoms to appear:
- Complete loss of movement
- Loss of bladder control
- Absence of sensation
- Stinging pain
- Troubled breathing
- Exaggerated spasms
Spinal cord injuries present a scary time for victims as panic may immediately set in. It is important to seek medical attention right away as quick response can go a long way towards recovery. The cost of care is also very high in most instances. Furthermore, there continues to be innovative new research into spinal cord injuries. Stem cell research is making advances every year in hopes of finding a way to correct spinal cord injuries. Being involved in ongoing treatment provides hope for families as medical professionals continually attempt to establish new ways of treating this condition. As this frontier continues to develop, it is important for victims to have a means of accessing this new type of care and treatment.
Why choose LEIP Law as your attorney
We have an extensive and calculated approach we take towards these claims. It begins with a detailed claim process. Having represented clients with spinal cord injuries, we know exactly what to expect. With compassion and respect we take pride in the fact that we are able to supply them with the resources they deserve to move forward.