Dehydration Abuse

There are many forms of neglect that can take place inside a nursing home and that can lead to illness, a decreased quality of life, and even death. Dehydration is a common form of nursing home neglect as it can have serious consequences for the elderly. If dehydration caused a nursing home injury to your loved one, then it’s time to take a stand. LEIP Law is ready to fight for the rights of your family by providing you with a top Columbia, SC nursing home injury attorney.
Nursing Home Negligence, Abuse & Dehydration
Many nursing home patients become reliant on variant forms of nutrition. Some are unable to feed themselves and rely on a feeding tube. Staff members who neglect to keep a regular dietary schedule for those patients contribute to dehydration. And because some nursing home residents are highly susceptible to choking, there is a sole reliance on others for their feeding. Dehydration can occur when any of these areas are neglected and here is a look of some of the signs that indicate a resident is dehydrated:
- Weakness
- Disorientation
- Headaches
- Confusion
- Bed sores
- Pneumonia

If your loved one suddenly experiences any of these conditions inside a nursing home, then there is a chance it could be a result of dehydration. This is something that should not occur in a facility and LEIP Law is here to help you fight that injustice.
The Effects of Extended Abuse Issues
The intake of fluids is a necessity in nursing home residents. This is vital to their functionality, health and immune system. When dehydration occurs, it could lead to a series of other problems, some of which can be fatal. The dehydration could just be a springboard for a more serious and life-threatening issue. Here is a look at some of the effects that could be a result of dehydration.
- Kidney failure
- Electrolyte abnormalities
- Low blood pressure
- Incontinence
Dehydration in the elderly is much more dangerous than it is in younger people. Continued dehydration could even lead to a loss of life. That is why it’s important to be aware of the signs and symptoms.
LEIP Law is well-versed in nursing home injuries and we know the proper steps to take when a family suspects that dehydration has impacted a loved one. We take the time to investigate the matter and file a claim when neglect has been involved. Our job will not be completed until your family is compensated for the injustice of a nursing home injury in Columbia, SC.