Labor & Delivery

The birth of a child is intended to be an exciting time, but when something goes wrong during labor and delivery, the responsible parties are held liable. Hospital staff, doctors and nurses all play a part in the delivery process and when an error is made, the hospital is held accountable. A labor and delivery lawyer at LEIP Law can see to it that your family is compensated for this type of medical malpractice. Our experienced attorneys are ready to start working for you.
Medical Birth Injuries & Issues
There are several ways medical staff members can impact the birth of a child in a negative way. Labor and delivery errors can lead to a number of complications, some of which could be permanent. Here is a look at some of the ways medical professionals can mishandle a labor and delivery.
- Failure to monitor baby
- Fail to do a C-section
- Forceps injury to baby
- Shortage in the delivery of oxygen
- Rh incompatibility

There are other ways that a staff could be at fault for a birth injury as well. There is a high level of importance placed on fetal monitoring and when that wanes, the baby could be compromised. It is important to monitor every sign and make necessary changes when appropriate. For example, a c-section could potentially alleviate a baby from stress which may lead to brain damage. Certain situations call for key decisions and when those are not made correctly, medical teams are responsible for any mishaps.
Trauma During Childbirth
When delivery trauma occurs during childbirth, the baby’s family may be eligible to receive compensation. The responsibility of overseeing a safe delivery falls squarely on the health care provider. A professional standard of care is owed to mothers and their babies. When that standard is not met, the health care provider is liable. Omissions, mistakes and negligence all fall below that standard and provide grounds for a lawsuit.
Health care providers have medical malpractice insurance, although there is still the need to negotiate a settlement and even litigate if it comes to that. A medical malpractice lawyer at LEIP Law can attend to all the details of your claim and make sure that it is carried out favorably on your behalf. There is no reason you should have to deal with all these details during what can be a difficult time. For the top medical Malpractice attorney Columbia, SC has to offer, contact LEIP Law today.
Labor and Delivery Damages
Potential damages that are considered recovery from labor and delivery malpractice are referred to as compensatory. This is defined as putting you back in a place in the event that no labor and delivery injuries happened. There is nothing that can fill the void that comes with the loss of a child at birth. Damages that may be considered can include the cost of therapy, rehabilitation, and ongoing care. Parents may also need to take time off work to care for their child after labor and delivery complications. This may also factor into damages and become part of the compensation paid out.
Signs of Labor and Delivery errors
Not all hospitals are going to point out their errors when it comes to the birthing process. That is why it is important for parents to be on the lookout for anything that might be out of the ordinary. Complications that occur at the hands of hospital staff, doctors, or nurses can have long-term effects on your baby. In some instances, it takes years to identify that a birth injury is the result of ongoing problems. Here are some warning signs to lookout for during the labor and delivery process.
- Skin discoloration
- Labored breathing
- Problems with feeding
- Unusual movements
- Issues with sleeping
- Prolonged fatigue
- Behavioral issues
- Learning disabilities
A labor and delivery lawyer at LEIP Law can help you determine whether you have a basis for a medical malpractice claim. We have years of experience in this area and will work towards getting you the compensatory damages you rightfully deserve.